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Trauma and the use of Art Therapy
in schools - LIVE

LIVE: Course for Educators

Do you feel confident to manage the impact that working with trauma has on you, and still provide the space and attunement needed to help clients who have experienced trauma?

As Mental health practitioners establishing a space of support and connection, and building rapport, is the foundation of all the work that you do, and this brings challenges - even on the good days!

being aware of how trauma can vicariously affect us, how this manifests and what is necessary to protect against it, is crucial in being able to build the foundations of work in trauma.

Do you understand how to use creative resources and experiences to encourage safe and comfortable self-expression in children? do you feel connected to your own artistic expression to be able to express yourself creatively?

self-expression and disclosure do not always conform to verbal or even written expression, this is often true for children who dont have the language or a sense of safety to process or express their experiences.
Being able to provide alternative resources and pathways for expression that meet the client where they are, can help them comfortably express themselves.

this is best achieved when you as the support and model feel connected to your own artisitic expression and creativity, and can thus provide the knoweldge and access to resources to create a space for expression, processing, and healing.


This course is designed to support professionals who work with children affected by trauma. It explains the fundamentals of trauma and its impact on the whole child; mind, body, and behaviour.
This course will help you understand how trauma impacts a child's functioning and how that might look in everyday interactions with the child. It will also offer you tools and approaches to help you connect with children and support them to flourish and heal from trauma.
The course will also offer insight into the impact that trauma might have on YOU, as a professional, and help you understand and recognise the symptoms that arise in yourself, as a result of working with trauma. 

Ready to Join the LIVE Course starting 28 June 2021

Want to see this course in action...

Ready to Join the LIVE Course starting 28 June 2021

Why learn from Dr Shiri Hergass?

Shiri has over 25 years experience in counselling and working with clients who have experienced trauma, in both public and private settings.

Shiri has extensive experience working with people across diverse cultures and settings, including facilitating art therapy groups in preschools in remote outback NSW and for mothers and babies in jail.  Her experience with diverse populations and cultures means she takes an inclusive approach in her work, maintaining culturally awareness and sensitivity.

Shiri has been awarded the role of Reconciliation Ambassador for the Australian Association of Social Work,  an acknowledgement of her work and experience.

"There were so many takeaways from the course, I couldn't resist referencing some of the powerful topics from the course in my final Masters of Social Work thesis- as well as add to my Social Work toolkit. I personally enjoyed learning about the consequences of the impacts on professionals who work in the field that we do, because I did not know there was a term to describe this. So insightful!"

Social Worker

Course Modules

Module 1: Introduction to Trauma

Module 2: Impact of trauma on the body

Module 3: How trauma influences behaviour

Module 4: Transgenerational Trauma

Module 5: Vicarious Traumatisation

Module 6: Flourishing and Healing from trauma

Module 7: Trauma-informed practice

Module 8: The Seasonal Model

Module 9: Summary and Conclusion

What's included....

6 weeks of guided course content

Join Shiri, course originator, as she guides you through all modules of the course, providing in-depth discussions on practical applications of all course content 

Access to resources and templates to guide your work

Resources that will build your knowledge and bolster your work with clients

Weekly reflective practice

Build your reflective practice which will enhance your commitment and focus in your work, and provide a space for you to breathe and protect yourself against the impact of trauma work.

Course Pricing

Course Price


DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that materials, artworks, or images, shared in this course by its particpants may be used in future courses or in other marketing materials, and remains the property of Art2Heart Academy. No identifying information will be shared with these materials.